We believe in offering our clients products and services for an all around salt
therapy experience.
Our assets: experience, expertise, innovation, affordability
Our company has a long history in salt therapy.
Salt therapy itself has a long history in SE Europe. It is common sense today that
when a child suffers from asthma, allergies, chronic bronchitis or frequent
respiratory infections his pediatrician will recommend a course of salt therapy,
either in a salt mine, at the seashore or in a salt room. Of course, this therapy is
complementary to medication and of course this therapy in many instances is
insurance covered. This comes as a big surprise to many countries where salt
therapy is considered of a lesser value and patients have to self-fund these
expenses for salt therapy.
We believe that salt therapy should be considered a valid adjuvant medical
therapy and it should be accessible to anyone.
We also believe that salt therapy applied in salt rooms/salt caves is the most
efficient form of salt therapy because it is deployed in a controlled environment,
where all the parameters of scientific salt therapy could be observed.

As a consequence the health industry accepted salt therapy and incorporated it
into standard practice – many hospitals, sanatoriums, medical practices already
have salt therapy rooms. Moreover, as a powerful trend more and more facilities
outside the medical field added salt therapy to their portfolio – schools,
kindergartens, hotels, gyms, SPAs, chiropractors, etc. It is a powerful testimony
for the efficiency and social value of salt therapy. Additionally, home salt therapy
became an affordable option for many households.
The main elements in Salt therapy are:
- The environmental design – mainly the salt applied to the walls, ceiling, floor – this is the most undervalued part of salt therapy. Many builders of salt therapy advise their clients that they only need a halogenerator and maybe some salt panels or a backlighted himalayan salt wall – and the salt room is ready to be open for business. This is an approach that has no validation in salt therapy. Salt mine therapy (spheleo therapy) – the root of salt therapy – is conducted in salt mines that are 360 degrees salt all around not only in some spots. That creates a microclimate that is almost sterile as in a surgery room – salt is a powerful germicide and when a patient enters a properly built salt room, the body takes a break from fighting perpetual attacks from daily environments and could focus on healing properties of salt. Not to mention that salt aerosols inside the salt room are negatively charged particles that will better interact with positive particles(pollutants, dust, pollen, etc) making the “cleansing” process more efficient. No wonder that all relevant medical studies in sal therapy were conducted in salt mines or salt rooms.
- Halogenerator – the device that maintains a constant production of salt aerosols inside the salt facility during a salt therapy session. The halogenerator produce the right amount with the right size and the right purity of salt aerosols. We can surely say that without a Halogenerator – there is no Halotherapy., without salt environment – there is no scientific, efficient Halotherapy
- Salt room parameters and design – ventilation, humidity, HVAC balance, lighting, design elements – all have an important role in creating a salt room at scientific standards and a very relaxing environment – we should not underestimate importance of the elements as more that half of the clients in a salt therapy facility come for preventative/relaxation purposes.

We cover all the important elements that define a salt room: proper
building, halogenerators supply, technical settings, design and procedures
for operating a salt room.
We are taking pride in our team with over 30 years of combined experience
in salt therapy practice.
Moreover we proudly could supply our products and know how all over the
world at very affordable prices.
We believe that everyone should be able to afford Halotherapy in his/her
own home, every provider should be able to build its own salt therapy
facility as a Do It Yourself process passing the enormous savings to its
clients and itself instead of some greedy contractors that take advantage of
a small controlled supply market.